Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Oscar After thoughts

So I know it has been a week since the Oscars, but I have been really busy this week. What did I think of the Oscars? Well, as a whole, I thought that they were a little boring. I did not really find Steve Martin or Alec Baldwin to be all that funny, they were more awkward than anything and their comedic timing was not together at all. The past years have been better with people such as Ellen Degeneres and Hugh Jackman.

As far as the awards go, I am happy to say that at my Oscar party, I was in a three-way tie for first place with my ballot. Granted, I shouldn't really brag because I got 11 wrong, but hey, 13 correct guesses isn't bad. I am so incredibly happy that Jeff Bridges won, that was a much deserved win for him. My picks were mostly correct with the five main categories, however, I was wrong with the Best Picture category. I can't say that I am disappointed though because I believe that ''The Hurt Locker" was a much better movie overall. Yes, there were parts here and there that weren't up to par with "Avatar'', but when it comes down to it, "Avatar" wasn't original enough in their storyline. Also, While I am happy for Sandra Bullock because I think that she is a great person and actress, I still am holding my ground on the fact that I don't believe she deserved that award. Meryl was pitch perfect as Julia Child and she should have taken home that Oscar. I feel as though the Academy was just giving Sandra the award because they didn't feel as though she was going to have another role as good as this one and they wouldn't have another opportunity to give it to her, so they chose her.

My biggest complaint about the Oscars though, is that they cut the performances from the five songs nominated for Best Original Song. I was so looking forward to hearing Marion Cotillard and Jeff Bridges sing, yet, all I got was someone on stage introducing one of the ten nominated movies for the evening. Such a major disappointment. Overall though, I will give the Academy two thumbs up on recognizing the correct people this year, but one thumb down on the Oscars as a whole. Hopefully next year they will be able to liven it up.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Tonight is the big night! I can't wait. Tonight is going to be my first review on here and it is going to cover the awards given tonight and how I think the show was as a whole. This is one of my favorite nights of the year!!! Here are my predictions in the main categories. Best Motion Picture will go to Avatar, even though I think it should go to Hurt Locker. Best Actor will go to Jeff Bridges, in my mind, this one is a no brainer. For Best Supporting Actress, my pick is M'onique. I also think this one is a no brainer, she was fantastic. Now, as far as supporting actor and best actress, I think those are going to be tough categories. I am hoping for Best Supporting Actor it will go to Christoph Waltz, he was fantastic in that movie. For Best Actress, I have a feeling it is going to go to Sandra Bullock unfortunately. I didn't get the hype and I didn't see her as being a phenomenal actress. I love Sandra, but I just don't think she deserves this one. I think it should either go to Meryl for Julie & Julia, or it should go to Helen Mirren for Last Station. Both were amazing in their roles and so believable. Lastly, for best director, I know that James Cameron is the favorite here, but I'm going to go off the grid and say that Kathryn Bigelow will come out on top, rightfully so. I hope everyone enjoys the Oscars this evening!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Here is just a little information about me....

My name is Jeffrey Glitt and I am 24 yrs old, soon to be 25. I have worked at a Movie Theater, as well as Blockbuster for over two years. I love all things entertainment, such as movies, music, TV, games, books, etc, and I thought I would write a blog that had my review of all of these things. I am not a writer, and I don't claim to be one, so my writing skills will not be perfect. That, however, is not the point of this blog. I wanted to create this blog because when I worked at Blockbuster, I had people who trusted and valued my opinion on all things entertainment and I miss that, so I'm hoping to get some more followers who have the same likes and dislikes as I do. This is all opinion, so I know not everyone will feel the same as I do. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave comments!